Take a Hint: Where to Look for Design Inspiration

Design inspiration is constantly surrounding us. With an open mind, you can draw vision from most anything. There are, however, a few places that I go to for creativity. It may sound cliché, but nature is a big one. The world around us is the purest form of art. Fashion is my second go-to. The industry is constantly evolving and taking risks! Lastly, are travel and architecture – both go hand in hand in a lot of ways. 


One could say that our color palettes come directly from nature’s handiwork. It’s not just the trees and flowers – it’s the light at different points in the day and the vibrancy of the sky just after a rain. Even rocks play a role! They connect themselves together to form magnificent mountains. The creation around us is true, God-given inspiration. No doubt. I take Vita to the park in the mornings and it always starts my day well. It fills me with motivation and encouragement as I get started with new projects or finish up ongoing ones.



On the streets, on TV, and in magazines, fashion is a work of art. When I’m out and about and someone’s outfit captures my attention, it’s the best! Oftentimes, they are put together in a striking way and it presents a great opportunity to play with texture and pattern. A single outfit can include leather, metal, jewels, pattern, solids and texture.






I LOVE to travel! Every few years, I take a trip to Paris and I just recently got back from my latest adventure there. Old churches (mainly cathedrals), can be a study of creative inspiration. They are usually big, but scaled, and ornate with a minimal number of materials. It amazes me that while made of cold, hard surfaces, they still make you feel welcomed. It really is quite breathtaking!

When inspiration hits, I always let those creative juices flow. As I always say though, just because it stands still, doesn’t mean you have to put something on it. 🙂